We are all going through some of the biggest challenges we have faced in our lifetime. As small business owners, we need to think what we can be doing right now for any chance of keeping our brands safe and having a bright future after coronavirus.
For some people, it's not right the right time to think about their business. There might be more pressing issues and concerns. And that is fine. We are all just managing the best we can with each situation we have been thrown into.
If you are in a position where you can concentrate on your business then now is the time to plough on, dig deep and have faith that you can get through it AND ask for help along the way if you need it! So what can you do?
Try to be inventive
Coincidentally timed with the start of the UK lockdown, a beautiful brand in the north of England, Yorkshire Blankets, launched a new product which spoke to their target market perfectly. During lockdown their customers could order a beautiful do-it-yourself heart shaped wreath making kit, made from off cuts of fabric from the cloth mills in Yorkshire.
What a great idea, they look good, you can get them delivered to your door and it gives you something to do while at home. These have been flying out of their warehouse like hot cakes and they struggled to keep up with demand. It's been great to watch!
Plus it's been a great way to socially interact with their customers during self isolation. With purchasers of their heart wreaths encouraged to send in their photos and their videos showing their creations:
Keep Your Customers In the Know
If you haven't already done so, why not update your social media or your website to show how your business is working around Coronavirus. If you are lucky enough to still be able to welcome customers either to a location or to your online business then let your customers know how they can still reach you, but also what you are doing to keep them and your staff safe while your business operates. Don't take it for granted that they have worked it how for themselves, It's important to be proactive and reach out to them. And reassure them during this uncertain time.
This has been nicely done by popular rural farmshop, Jolly Nice nr Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Their homepage quicky & clearly shows how they are operating during shutdown, without having to click through to another page.
Connect with Your Customers
Now looking to a bigger brand. We would all love the same marketing budgets as Adidas!! But even without spending a lot, you can still capture the hearts of your audience and get them thinking of you during lockdown. Check out the Adidas #HOMETEAM CREW below, they asked their followers to take pictures of themselves while keeping active & healthy at home using the hashtag #HOMETEAM for a possible mention on their website.

Be Seen, Be Proactive & Why Not PPC
Now is a challenging time in many ways and any small business owner, or sole trader knows that things don't usually get handed to us on a plate. We continually have to work for it and spot the opportunities. Not that coronavirus is a time to exploit people or this situation though. There is no need to rip people off, instead be generous and giving and it will be paid back. Now is the time to spend if you can on a Pay Per Click campaign. The cost of Pay Per Click campaigns on average have decreased over this time. And generally there are so many more people at home on their screens at the moment, so this is perfect timing and it could hopefully cost you less than a few months ago.
Does Your Business Need a Digital Transformation? If so, be ready!
Now is the time to be seen digitally. Can people buy direct from your website or Facebook store? Is your website out of date or not compatible with mobiles? Do you have SEO (search engine optimisation) set up on your website pages or in the technical stuff on the backend? Setting all these things up now will take your business to the next level and will mean you are ready for when everything opens up again and the economy starts to improve. Be ready for better times, they will come!

Takeaway Points
Use this quieter time effectively:
Be inventive - try and tailor your business (if feasible) into something that can appeal to many people on lockdown.
Keep customers in the know - Consider refreshing your content and add a note to your homepage about Coronavirus.
Connect with your audience - reassure them if you can and communicate what you can and can't offer them at this time.
Be Seen - Run a PPC - Run a campaign, however small, to keep being seen.
Consider a digital transformation - use this time to transform how you are seen online & be prepared for the upturn in business in a few months.
For more advice please contact me at info@layoutmarketing.com and I'd be happy to help!